Thursday 16th of January 2025 02:35:01 AM

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UNITY LINE - Low Sulphur Surcharge

Attached please find information about the Low Sulphur Surcharge which will be introduced as from July 1st 2010.

Dear Traders,


   We would like to announce, that following to the decision of our shipowners – B.F.L. Baltic Ferries Lines Limited and Euroafrica Shipping Lines Cyprus Limited – a new ‘Freight Tariff’ will be introduced on our ferry links as from the 1st of July, 2010. This document are parts of our ‘Transport Agreements’ and should be treated inseparably and conjointly.


   Shipowners were forced to change above mentioned document, to fulfill new international rules and obligations. Regulation for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships were adopted in the United Nations 1997 Protocol to MARPOL 73/78 and are included in Annex VI of the Convention. Within the framework of above mentioned two major changes of fuel type have effected shipping in ECA Zone (Emission Control Area – the Baltic and the North Sea):


  • Starting 1 January 2010 only fuel with a maximum of 0,1% sulphur content /Gasoil/ may be used while in the European ports;
  • Starting 1 July 2010 only fuel with maximum of 1,0% sulphur content may be used while at sea.


   As a consequence of both changes it is necessary to introduce a surcharge to partially cover all extraordinary expense. According to the ‘Condition of Carriage of Goods by Sea’ and ‘Freight Tariff’, from the 1st of July, 2010 all shippers and haulers will be charged additionally with a new ‘Low Sulphur Surchage’, amount to SEK 3,- per each commenced meter of the vehicle.


All other agreed terms and conditions remain unchanged.




With kind regards,



Freight Department UNITY LINE